the 4th GBA festivalHK POP Culture Fest 2024
Important Notice:

Thank you for participating in the 4th GBAF ( You are invited to express your valuable opinions about the programmes by filling in this questionnaires. All the collected info will be kept strictly confidential and used for statistical analysis only. Thanks you!

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Participated programme
* Indicates required question
Please choose the reason(s) that attracted you to participate in this activity.【Multiple selections】*
I enjoyed the event*
Have you participated in any other The 4th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Culture and Arts Festival programmes? 【Multiple selections】*
Will you be participating in a similar activity next year?*
* Indicates required question
Please select your country / region of residence*
How many days are you staying in Hong Kong?*
What is your approximate spending during your stay in Hong Kong? Please state the amount in local currency (HKD).*
Which social media do you browse regularly? 【Multiple selections】*
The data collected will be used by Leisure and Cultural Services Department for delivering information of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Culture and Arts Festival only. Requests for personal data access and correction should be addressed to the Cultural Exchange Liaison Office. (Enquiries: 2734 2967)

Thank you for your valuable opinions.

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